Synod News

NC Synod and ELCA News and Current Events

Kaelke Grant Application Deadline

May 25, 2022 | News
Applications will be accepted through May 31. Apply today!

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An Act of Holy Remembrance—Part 2

May 18, 2022 | News, Social Justice
We acknowledge that healing does not come from orange fabric alone. The orange fabric is a first step.

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Abundant Celebrations!

May 17, 2022 | News
Celebrations have been abundant this spring. Thanks be to God!

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Synod Gathering Keynote Speaker: Jacqueline Bussie

May 6, 2022 | News
Registration deadline is May 16!

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Synod Gathering—Learning!

May 2, 2022 | News
Registration deadline is May 16!

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ELCA Observes 35th anniversary

May 2, 2022 | News
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Observes 35th Anniversary on April 30, 2022.

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Synod Gathering- Early Registration April 26

Apr 19, 2022 | News, Uncategorized
Early Bird Registration for the first ever Synod Gathering is April 26!

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Synod Gathering—Register Today!

Mar 25, 2022 | News
Register today for the first-ever Synod Gathering! See you at L-R!

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New Re-Gathering Considerations

Mar 14, 2022 | Covid19, News
Document effective March 9, 2022.

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