Many consider the call process the most important activity in which a synod engages.
The call process is the way that the ELCA’s 65 synodical bishops engage their congregations, church-related organizations, rostered ministers, and candidates for rostered ministry in a time of thoughtful assessment and prayerful discernment about their work together in ministry and mission.

Have questions?
Do you have questions or comments? Contact Pastor CeCee Mills, Assistant to the Bishop.
Call Process Stories
Called to Prayer—Prayerfully Called
Aug 15, 2022 | Stories of Ministry
It takes time, conversations, and quiet moments on the sofa with the dog, all of which are prayer.
At the 2019 Synod Assembly, Assistant to the Bishop Pastor CeCee Mills hosted a conversation with lay leaders Skip Downs (St. John's, Hudson) and Christy Williams (St. Stephen's, Lenoir) about the way their two congregations are investing in each other for the sake of the gospel.