The North Carolina Synod is one of the three expressions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America—congregations, synods, and the churchwide organization.
The synod exists to walk with the nearly 200 ELCA congregations across the state of North Carolina, working together for the sake of the world.

Synod Council
Synod Council is the board of directors of the synod and serves as its interim legislative authority between meetings of the synod in assembly. Its members are elected for four-year terms by voting members during synod assembly. The bishop serves as president of the council. The other officers—vice president, secretary, and treasurer—are elected at assembly.

The Office of the Bishop
The Office of the Bishop is all of those that serve together in the synodical office. Every function of the Office of the Bishop serves to support and guide members of this church as we wonder, discover, and boldly participate in God’s mission for the sake of the world.

Conference Deans
The conference dean is a rostered minister who serves as the administrative officer of the conference and is an extension of the Office of the Bishop. The conference dean facilitates communication between the congregations in that conference and between the conference and the bishop. Conference Deans are appointed by the bishop and install new rostered ministers in their conference.

Conferences & Clusters
The synod is divided into 12 geographical conferences; each congregation is a member of a conference. Conferences work together meeting for service, worship, formation, and fellowship—as well as meeting before assemblies to discuss upcoming issues. Conferences are grouped into clusters that have representation on synod council.
Conference Clusters
Coastal Plains
South Coastal
Northern Piedmont
Blue Ridge Mtn
Smoky Mtn