Interim Ministry & Pulpit Supply

Congregations throughout the synod make use of supply preachers and interims. The list of clergy available for pulpit supply may be requested by NC Synod rostered ministers or congregational staff. Contact Jenny Spearen, for the current list. Supply preachers include retired pastors and certified lay preachers. Synod staff will help congregations without pastoral leadership schedule supply preachers. Pastors needing supply preachers for vacation Sundays may contact Jenny for the list of available preachers.

Jenny Headshot

Jenny Spearen

Supply Pastor Coordinator

I am here to help with your supply needs!

Supply Preaching

Supply preachers play an invaluable role for many congregations. When a congregation's preacher needs a Sunday off, whether it be for health, travel, or much-needed respite, the synod office has a list of supply preachers to call on to help!


Interim Ministry

Interim pastors serve congregations as they transition to new pastoral leadership or a new season of the congregation (such as shared ministry). Intentional interims, with specialized training, are appointed when there is a need to attend to conflict or move a congregation through a major change. Interims are appointed by the bishop.