
Category Archives

Share the Love!

By Catherine Fink / February 21, 2022
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Valentine’s Day is all about LOVE. Beginning on Valentine’s Day, you’re invited to share that love with refugee neighbors being settled here in North Carolina. Your gifts to the Share the Love campaign will help provide grocery gift cards to these new neighbors. Watch the synod’s Facebook and Instagram from February 14 to February 28 […]

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The Lifeline Fund—Another Lifeline!

By Catherine Fink / January 16, 2022
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The North Carolina Synod has received yet one final grant from Lilly Endowment Inc. that allows the synod to continue its work with the Lifeline Fund. The new grant is in the amount of $250,000 and will cover two more years of Lifeline Grants. The first year of the new grant overlaps with the final […]

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Tammy Jones West Announcement

By Catherine Fink / January 3, 2022
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For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to […]

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Synod Authorized Minister Program

By Catherine Fink / November 1, 2021
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One of my favorite memories of our daughters’ experiences with the church is when we worshiped in a very small congregation. They were about seven and two years old then. Because the congregation was so small, everyone pitched in. I went to all-ages Sunday School with them, my seven-year-old was an acolyte, our youngest danced […]

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Lay Preachers Commissioned

By Rick Godby / October 18, 2021
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Rejoice with us as we welcome our newly commissioned Lay Preachers! Because of the pandemic and gathering restrictions, we commissioned them via Zoom in November 2020. But these eleven really wanted to be able to be together and be surrounded by friends and family and those who have encouraged and supported them during this time […]

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CeCee Mills’ Installation Coming Soon!

By Catherine Fink / October 14, 2021
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Join Bishop Tim and the synod staff via live stream on Wednesday, October 27, at 11 a.m. for the installation of Pastor CeCee Mills as assistant to the bishop! The worship will be live-streamed from the synod office chapel. Pastor CeCee currently serves as associate Director for Evangelical Mission and moves to her new role […]

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An Act of Holy Remembrance

By Rick Godby / September 24, 2021
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Dear North Carolina Synod, At its September meeting, the North Carolina Synod Council read from the letter shared by the ELCA American Indian/Alaska Native Association. The letter, dated July 23, 2021 reads: “We speak to you all today on behalf of the Indigenous people throughout North Americas. We come with sad hearts at the news […]

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Portico Employer Selection Deadline

By Rick Godby / September 20, 2021
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It is that time of year when congregations are required to select their Portico benefit option. Organizations still have the option of platinum, gold+, silver, or bronze. It is critical that you make your selection on time as the selection window is shorter than normal this year, opening on October 4 and ending on October […]

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Dialogues on Race

By Rick Godby / August 16, 2021
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Engage the Bible Task Force is partnering with the Racial Justice Network to sponsor a synod-wide adult faith formation study this fall. Using the curriculum Dialogues On: Race, we’ll explore our relationship with race, the Bible, and our theological responses. Each week’s dialogue explores the history of racism, personal faith stories, and biblical reflections with […]

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New Re-Gathering Considerations

By Rick Godby / August 3, 2021
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After their meeting on August 2, the NC Synod Re-Gathering Task Force—again using the CDC guidelines and Governor Cooper’s Executive Orders as the basis of their deliberations—offers new considerations for NC Synod congregations.

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