“God is in the room”

Rick Godby

Good Shepherd offers suicide awareness class

Good Shepherd offers suicide awareness class This September, the Reimagining Health Collaborative (RHC) team at Good Shepherd, Brevard, learned that our application for a grant from ELCA Disability Ministries had been partially funded. This funding enabled us to offer a suicide awareness training by Soul ShopTM for our community on October 24, along with refreshments.

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Candidacy approvals and a farewell

In November 2019 the NC Synod’s Candidacy Committee gathered at Lutheridge to meet with new candidates for entrance and to approve candidates for call, assignment, and ordination. At this Fall retreat, one person was approved for entrance into candidacy—welcome Spence Robertson! Additionally, three persons were approved for placement into the call process. Approved for Ordination

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Word made flesh

Word made flesh Most of us will gather on Christmas Eve to hear the Christmas story from Luke. It’s understandable. Mark really has no birth story. Matthew is mostly genealogy. I can’t ever hear Luke without thinking of Linus in the Charlie Brown Christmas special. Linus, blanket and all, cuts through everyone’s commercial preparations with

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