Synod Assembly 2023

NC Synod Youth

347 Youth Registrations Covered!

Synod leadership set a $200,000 goal of helping to pay every NC Synod youth’s registration fee for the upcoming 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering! We know that God has created these young people to be Brave, Authentic, Free, Disruptive, and Disciples! Together, we can make it possible for youth to experience this gospel truth in community as participants in the ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans in 2024.

The Synod Assembly worship offering was directed toward the $200,000 goal to cover the registration fees for all of the youth from the synod who plan to attend the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering bringing the total to $130,247 (347 youth registrations).

Congratulations TikTok Tell It! Winners

TikTok Tell It! is a contest, sponsored by the Engage the Bible Ministry Team that tasks NC Synod youth groups, grades 6-12, to re-imagined their favorite Bible stories as creative TikToks.

FIRST PLACE: St. John's, Salisbury "The Passion Story"
SECOND PLACE: Christ the King, Cary "The Good Samaritan"
THIRD PLACE: Mt. Hermon, Concord "Noah's Ark"

General Information

NC Synod Constitution—Approved 2023

This NC Synod Constitution was approved by the NC Synod Assembly 2023, in Greensboro.

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Proposed Rules of Procedure

The proposed 2023 Rules of Procedure will be approved by the assembly as the first item of business.

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2023 Bulletin of Reports

The 2023 Bulletin of Reports for the NC Synod.

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2023 Voting Member Handbook

The Voting Member Handbook is a compilation of all of the documents you’ll need for the business of the 2023 NC Synod Assembly.

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Full Timed Agenda

This full agenda notes times and locations for business sessions and meals. The current uploaded version is #3 as of May 30, 2023. If the agenda is updated, the newest version will be available here.

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2024 Compensation Guidelines Charts—Approved

This document offers detailed charts for figuring out compensation for rostered ministers of this synod. These were approved at the NC Synod Assembly, June 2-3, 2023, in Greensboro, NC.

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2024 Compensation Guidelines Narrative—Approved

This document gives additional insight into the Compensation Guidelines for rostered ministers of this synod. This was approved at the NC Synod Assembly, June 2-3, 2023, in Greensboro, NC.

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2023 Voting Member Information

Look over this information to be prepared to have a great assembly.

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Proposed NC Synod Constitution—2022

This proposed Synod Constitution includes the mandated changes approved by the 2022 ELCA CWA as well as some changes suggested by the NC Synod Council. This proposed constitution will be voted on at the 2023 NC Synod Assembly.

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Assembly Elections

This year the assembly will elect a Synod Council Secretary, Synod Council members, and Churchwide Assembly Voting Members. Nominations closed Wednesday, April 7. The Nominations Booklet is available below.

2023 Synod Assembly Elections Results

The election results from the 2023 NC Synod Assembly, June 2-3, in Greensboro, NC.

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2023 Assembly Nominations Booklet

This 2023 NC Synod Assembly Nominations Booklet contains all nominees for positions being elected at this year’s assembly.

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Assembly Voting 101 Video

In this video, Keith Sutton and Pastor Tony Bradshaw guide North Carolina Synod Assembly voting members through the voting process.

Who Votes at Assembly 2023?

Who votes at a synod assembly? It can be confusing but this will help you figure it out.

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Assembly Resolutions

Resolutions and memorials may be submitted for consideration by the assembly. The submission deadline closed April 15. The Synod Assembly Reference and Counsel Committee reviews submitted resolutions and memorials and then makes a recommendation to the assembly. There will be two resolutions to be considered by the assembly. They are below.

Approved Resolution 23.02: Regarding Access to Abortion…

Resolution 23.02 Regarding Access to Abortion in North Carolina was approved by the 2023 NC Synod Assembly on Saturday, June 3.

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Approved Resolution 23.01: Resolution Regarding Roth Tax Option…

Resolution 23.01 Regarding Roth Tax Option for ELCA Rostered Leaders was approved by the 2023 NC Synod Assembly on Friday, June 2.

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RESOURCE Journal of Lutheran Ethics—Issue: February/March 2023

The January/February 2023 Issue of the Journal of Lutheran Ethics, “Il/legal Abortion: Lutheran Ethical Responses post-Dobbs” is introduced by editor, Dr. Jennifer Hockenbery (Dean for Humanities and Professor of Philosophy of St. Norbert, College). She begins this way:
The essays in this issue are offerings concerning faithful ethical responses after the Dobbs ruling by the Supreme Court this summer. As such, they are different in tone and intention than the kinds of discussions that were on-going while Roe still held, such as those in The Journal of Lutheran Ethics published in November 2012, May 2010, and January 2005.

Finish reading the editor’s introduction.

Read all of the articles.
Included in this issue is “Can We Really Be So Sure When Human Life Begins?” written by NC Synod’s own the Rev. Dr. Mark Ellingsen,  Professor of Church History at the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta.

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Draft Resolution NC23.01—Resolution Regarding Roth Tax Option for ELCA Rostered Leaders

DRAFT_Version 2: Resolution Regarding Roth Tax Option for ELCA Rostered Leaders

DRAFT_Version 1: Memorial to the ELCA Churchwide Assembly from the NC Synod: Adding the Roth Tax Designation within the 403b/Pension Program Administered by Portico Benefit Services.
Submitted by: Pastor Andrew Miller

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Draft Resolution NC23.02—Regarding Access to Abortion in North Carolina

DRAFT_Version 2: Resolution Regarding Access to Abortion in North Carolina
Submitted by: Pastors and a number of members of Christ the King Lutheran Church, Cary

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Assembly Financials

Information concerning the NC Synod audit, proposed 2024 and 2025 budgets, proposed Mission Support formula, and proposed Compensation Guidelines are assembled by the synod staff and Synod Council Finance Committee and approved for an Assembly vote. These documents will all be available on the assembly webpage in April following the March Synod Council meeting.

2024-2025 Proposed Synod Ministry Budget Profile

This synod ministry profile offers details about the synod ministries connected to the proposed 2024-2025 budget.

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2024-2025 Proposed Budget

This proposed budget shows the proposed budgets for 2024 and 2025 as well as the approved 2023 budget.

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2024-2025 Proposed Mission Support Formula

This is the proposed Mission Support Formula for 2024-2025.

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