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By Rick Godby / April 23, 2019
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The good news of the resurrected Jesus Christ is just that–good news! And we are called to share it. Join with others across the NC Synod for #50daysSharingFaith throughout the Easter season. For each of the 50 days of Easter we will be posting a quick video of synod staff, synod council members, and others, […]

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2019-Eaton Easter message

By Rick Godby / April 23, 2019
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Bishop Eaton’s Easter message Getting a phone call in the middle of the night is never a good thing. I remember the second time my father had open-heart surgery. It was a long procedure and a difficult one, and after it was done the doctor called us to his office and said, “There’s been some bleeding. […]

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2019-03 Eaton Living Lutheran

By Rick Godby / March 18, 2019
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Spiritual and religious Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton reflects on prayer. She reminds us that prayer is not about the technique—the how or why we pray. Prayer is an invitation to divine love. Prayer is about relationship with God. Prayer is God seeking us. Read her column in English and in Spanish.

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2018-12 Eaton Living Lutheran

By Catherine Fink / December 17, 2018
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From cradle to grave. In her December column for Living Lutheran, Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton reflects on Christmas, a time when “God reversed the cradle-to-grave progression.” We are on a joyful journey, where we are loved, we are alive and we are free to greet this holy season. Read her column in English and in Spanish.

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2018-11 Eaton Living Lutheran

By Rick Godby / November 15, 2018
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In the wilderness. In her November column for Living Lutheran, Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton reflects on Numbers 11, the Israelites’ journey to the land the Lord had promised them. Today, we are “becoming a generation not quite arrived at the promised land, but seeing God declaring: ‘Now you will see if my word will come […]

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Chrismon ministry at Macedonia

By Rick Godby / November 5, 2018
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Chrismon ministry at Macedonia Eleven years of fellowship around a table filled with beads, threads, and patterns is a Saturday morning tradition at Macedonia Lutheran Church in Burlington, North Carolina. The Chrismon tree is a highly anticipated and traditional Advent and Christmas event at our church. The ministry itself is as glorious as the tree. […]

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2018-10 Eaton Living Lutheran

By Rick Godby / October 15, 2018
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So now what? Last year it was all Reformation all the time. On this 501st anniversary of the Reformation, Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton uses her October Living Lutheran column to call on us to “refocus our attention on the gospel of our freedom, forgiveness and reconciliation given to us through God’s indescribable act of love […]

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2018-09 Eaton Living Lutheran

By Rick Godby / September 17, 2018
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Fear not For Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, Isaiah 43:1-7 is one of the most hopeful and lovely passages in all of Scripture. Find out why in her September column for Living Lutheran, where she says it is possible for us to fear and fear not. Read her column in English and in Spanish .

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Encouraging voter engagement

By Rick Godby / August 30, 2018
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Encouraging voter engagement St. Mark’s, Asheville, is a prime example for congregations wishing to support the ELCA’s Voter Engagement Initiative,  ELCAvotes! The congregation’s Christian Action Team partnered with The United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County which provided materials, submitted voter registrations, and emailed voting reminders to those who took the Pledge to Vote. 

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2018-08 Eaton Living Lutheran

By Rick Godby / August 20, 2018
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We are the branches: In her August column for Living Lutheran, Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, asks, “Is it possible to be Lutheran and an ecumenist?” Yes, of course. For we are “scripturally, confessionally and even constitutionally wired to be an ecumenical church.” Read her column in English and in Spanish.

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