Three notes from the bishop

Rick Godby

Covid-19 Response

Click here to see: Re-Gathering Information Worship links for congregations across the synod AND curated resources in these categories: Online Worship/Meetings Online Giving/Finances Relationships, Pastoral Care & Self Care Faith Formation for All/Children, Youth, & Families Care for Our Rostered Ministers Care for Community & Neighbors

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Holy Week and Easter

Holy Week and Easter Even as we cannot gather in person during this time of social distancing, we are gathering online—with live worship using Zoom and by pre-recorded video. Below are worship options available from the synod office and congregations across the synod as we move through Holy Week toward the celebration of the Resurrection

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“We ask God to help us!”

“We ask God to help us!” Deacon Katie Rivers (St. Mark’s, Asheville) attended one of the Chrism Masses hosted by the synod for rostered ministers prior to the Lenten season; she shares her story. On Tuesday, February 25, Facebook reminded me of my commissioning service as a Deaconess in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS).

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