Synod Constitutional Changes

A Message from Vice President Diana Haywood

December 3, 2022 |

Every three years when the ELCA meets in assembly, the churchwide constitution, the model constitution for synods, and the model constitution for congregations are reviewed and updated. All three were updated and approved at the ELCA Churchwide Assembly (CWA) in August 2022. Constitutional requirements and recommendations are published and become effective following the assembly.

In its December meeting, the NC Synod Council proposed additional changes to the synod constitution which will be brought before the synod assembly in 2023. Changes include the composition of the executive committee of the synod council and the addition of a synod council standing committee.

This information comes to you in preparation for the 2023 NC Synod Assembly and serves as the constitutionally-required six-month notification.

Peace and blessings,

Diana G. Haywood
NC Synod Vice President


Synod Staff


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