Getting Out the Vote!

Advent, Charlotte encourages neighbors to register to vote!

October 31, 2022 |

Voter Registration/Information Canvassing Drive at Advent, Charlotte

In these vitally important days leading up to the mid-term elections, Advent Lutheran, Charlotte decided to take up the charge from the ELCA Social Policy Resolution “Voting Rights to All Citizens” that was adopted in August 2013:

“ resolved, that members, congregations, and synods of this church be encouraged to “promote public life worthy of the name” by speaking out as an advocate and engaging in local efforts such as voter registration and supporting legislation to guarantee the right to vote to all citizens …”

With a strong conviction that voting is a right, a privilege, and a responsibility, members of Advent’s (Charlotte) Social Ministry Committee sponsored a nonpartisan Voter Registration/Information Canvassing Drive on Sunday, October 9, in the neighborhood surrounding the church. Twenty-five volunteers donned tee shirts that read “Register. Show up. Vote.” and took off into the autumn sunshine to participate in this new and timely outreach opportunity to enable and encourage the right to vote. For many Advent members, it was their first time canvassing.

Volunteers knocked on approximately 270 doors, leaving voter information on the doorstep when no one answered. Most of the personal encounters were with neighbors who reported being already registered to vote, but there were also some who gladly accepted the registration forms with postage attached. Participants who evaluated the project said they’d be willing to canvass again someday. All were left with a sense of pride in doing what they could to support our democracy by ensuring every voice is heard.


Debra Efird and Gloria Strickert, Coordinators of Voter Drive Project

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