
Category Archives

Gifts that Gift the Giver

By brandography / November 2, 2020
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One Christmas, years ago when I was a child, I tearfully told my grandmother how a close friend I’d given a gift to had gone the whole blessed holiday without giving me a thing. She flicked her newspaper, turned one page, and said, “Just remember, the Bible says it’s better to give than to receive.” […]

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NC Synod Launches Relief Fund

By Catherine Fink / April 13, 2020
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  Synod Launches Relief Fund The NC Synod Council has reallocated funds for the purpose of sharing with our congregations, rostered ministers, and agencies and institutions during this time of financial strain with priority given to keeping the rostered minister employed at the congregation at their full salary and benefits. The goal of these funds […]

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Holy Week and Easter

By Rick Godby / April 6, 2020
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Holy Week and Easter Even as we cannot gather in person during this time of social distancing, we are gathering online—with live worship using Zoom and by pre-recorded video. Below are worship options available from the synod office and congregations across the synod as we move through Holy Week toward the celebration of the Resurrection […]

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Worshiping online together during COVID-19

By Catherine Fink / March 21, 2020
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Worshiping online together during COVID-19 During this time of social distancing due to the coronavirus pandemic, when we long to worship together and cannot, the synod website will be a place to gather information about Livestream or recorded opportunities for worship or devotions across the synod. Please see the list below.

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“We ask God to help us!”

By Rick Godby / March 16, 2020
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“We ask God to help us!” Deacon Katie Rivers (St. Mark’s, Asheville) attended one of the Chrism Masses hosted by the synod for rostered ministers prior to the Lenten season; she shares her story. On Tuesday, February 25, Facebook reminded me of my commissioning service as a Deaconess in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS). […]

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Celebrating women’s ordination

By Rick Godby / March 2, 2020
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Celebrating women’s ordination Something special was happening at St. Luke’s, Conover, on the afternoon of Sunday, February 25! United in the bond of Jesus the Christ, voices gathered together to remember, confess, celebrate, pray, sing, and encourage one another in the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the ordination of women in the ELCA. A […]

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Fall Convocation for rostered ministers

By Catherine Fink / September 1, 2019
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Fall Convocation for rostered ministers It’s getting to be that time of year. When the calendar flips to September it means Fall Convocation for church leaders is just weeks away. Your planning team dreams about what you might need when you arrive, and then we work to make it happen. We know you need some […]

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2019-08 Eaton Living Lutheran

By Rick Godby / August 19, 2019
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Our common witness In her August column for Living Lutheran, ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton says “We need to ask what it means to be Lutheran in the 21st century.” Read her column in English and in Spanish.

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Our country’s proud tradition

By Rick Godby / August 1, 2019
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Our country’s proud tradition: welcoming immigrants and refugees with generosity and grace The United States is the land of freedom and of welcome. Our nation’s history overflows with stories of people relocating to the United States, beginning with the first pilgrims being welcomed by the hospitality and generosity of the Wampanoag and their feast of […]

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Who are we?

By Catherine Fink / July 1, 2019
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Who are we? Reflections on a Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS) on-site trip by Ginny Hultquist, member of First, Greensboro. They sat by themselves at one of the round tables, a weathered grandfather and his granddaughter, neither speaking amidst the other excited voices of families chatting with the Spanish-speaking LIRS board members. But no […]

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