
Category Archives

All the People

By Catherine Fink / August 11, 2022
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You are likely old enough to remember the finger play: This is the church. Here is the steeple. Open the doors. See all the people. The emphasis on Day Two of the 2022 ELCA Churchwide Assembly was on all the people. I wish that I had kept a tally of the number of times I […]

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2022 Churchwide Assembly—Day One

By Catherine Fink / August 11, 2022
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The 2022 ELCA Churchwide Assembly officially opened Aug. 9 at the Greater Columbus (Ohio) Convention Center, meeting through Aug. 12. Day one consisted of plenary sessions one and two, an apology to Iglesia Luterana Santa María Peregrina, Stockton, Calif., and a service of word and prayer. Continue reading the Living Lutheran recap of the 2022 […]

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Wow—What a Day!

By Catherine Fink / August 9, 2022
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My first day as a Churchwide Assembly voting member. Wow, what a day. From COVID protocol checks at registration to sharing stories and meals with colleagues and seeing old friends and meeting new ones, today was a full day. As I walked into the hall where we will go about the business of our church […]

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2022 Churchwide Assembly

By Angel Owens / July 25, 2022
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The ELCA’s 2022 Churchwide Assembly (CWA) will convene Aug. 8-12 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, Ohio. The assembly, which is the primary decision-making body of this church, will gather on the original and ancestral homelands of the Shawnee, Miami and Kaskaskia peoples under the theme “Embody the Word,” based on Luke 24:45. […]

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A Summer Journey with John

By Catherine Fink / July 2, 2022
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Make plans to join us for the NC Synod summer Bible Reading Plan sponsored by the Engage the Bible Task Group, a Book of Faith ministry. This summer we will read the Gospel of John together as a synod. Journey with John will begin on Sunday, July 3, and end on Tuesday, July 26. Each […]

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Women Changing the World

By Angel Owens / June 20, 2022
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When Beulah Yusuf began as a freshman at Lenoir-Rhyne University (LR) in the fall of 2018, she could not imagine all that the next four years would bring. While other freshmen were being dropped off at school by their parents, Beulah had left her parents 6000 miles away in Youla, Nigeria. LR’s Director of International […]

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Just What We Needed

By Catherine Fink / June 20, 2022
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On June 2-4, 2022 the NC Synod converged on the campus of Lenoir-Rhyne University (LRU) for our first-ever Synod Gathering, and it was just what we needed. I traveled to the Gathering in Hickory from Greensboro on Friday, along with five other members of our congregation, Prince of Peace. It was hard to believe that […]

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Synod Gathering 2022 Wrap-Up

By Catherine Fink / June 13, 2022
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The 2022 NC Synod Gathering—the first of its kind—is a wrap! Initially planned for May 2020, but of course, postponed due to the pandemic, the Gathering finally happened! Except for precautionary pandemic-type restrictions, the event was almost identical to the one initially planned. Rostered ministers—pastors and deacons—and lay people from all across the synod came […]

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Closing Worship—Shake Us Awake

By Catherine Fink / June 7, 2022
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In much the same way as it began, the 2022 Synod Gathering ended with a spirit-filled worship service. We gathered at Lenoir-Rhyne University’s Grace Chapel on Saturday afternoon to celebrate the Vigil of Pentecost with music, liturgy, prayers, and the sacrament of Holy Communion. All rostered ministers were invited to vest and process for the […]

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BBQ and Being Together

By Catherine Fink / June 6, 2022
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It was a long time coming, this Synod Gathering! We had planned to be together in the spring of 2020; that was not to be. The synodwide learning event we dreamed of—with learning, inspiration, and plenty of worship—finally happened! The BBQ with fabulous food, great music, and games was to have happened on Shaw Plaza […]

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