
Catherine Fink



Together? I was privileged during the summer between high school and college to attend 23 days of Outward Bound in the Colorado Rockies. I was told that we would be climbing 14,000-foot peaks with very thin air, carrying heavy packs, and surviving on minimal food. Though I was a serious high school athlete in very […]

Together? Read More »


“What are you doing?”

“What are you doing”? NC Lutheran Men in Mission Coordinator, Terry Edwards, recently made a Synod Partners visit to Messiah Lutheran Church in Hickory and asked, “What are you doing?” The answers amazed him. “I looked around and realized, ‘this isn’t a very big congregation, but they are sure doing a lot in this community,’

“What are you doing?” Read More »


“Reading Romans” 18: On governing authorities, love, and conduct

  Reading 18: On governing authorities, love, and conduct I traveled to the border this May with eight Lutheran Campus Ministry-Raleigh students. We went to learn more about our nation’s immigration system by listening to the stories of our neighbors, government employees and migrants alike. We sat by the Rio Grande and listened as Border

“Reading Romans” 18: On governing authorities, love, and conduct Read More »