LTSS campaign to assist critical need

Catherine Fink

Pre-assembly event encourages “Growing Young”

Pre-assembly event encourages “Growing Young” The 2018 NC Synod Pre-Assembly kicked off Thursday, May 31, with a full-day’s focus on the topic of churches Growing Young: Helping young people discover and love your church. Throughout the session, Jake Mulder of Fuller Youth Institute (FYI) addressed many myths around this topic and helped to define our

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empty tomb with text: Christ is risen

Christ is risen!

“Christ is risen!” “Promises, promises, I am through with promises, promises…..” So begins a popular Burt Bacharach song from the late 1960s. Little wonder that folks lament the vulnerability and the hurt that promises cause. It’s part of that double-edged sword of relationships. Relationships are our most precious gift on which we hinge our future,

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Eaton Easter message

An Easter message from Bishop Eaton Life triumphs over death and love wins. Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton offers an Easter message: It all started with such promise–the angel announcing to Mary that the child she would bear would be called Son of the Most High; the conviction of Mary that this child would be the embodiment of

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