Reading the Bible Together

A short experience with this summer’s Bible Reading Plan, “3 Preachy Prophets: Amos, Joel, and Hosea.”

June 7, 2021 |

On Saturday morning of assembly, the Rev. Dr. Katherine A. Shaner, a rostered minister of the NC Synod who teaches all things New Testament at Wake Forest University School of Divinity where she is an associate professor, shared updates from the synod’s Engage the Bible Task Force including some resources to help your congregation Engage the Bible:
• Voices in the Wilderness—blog posts and audio stories to use anytime for adult Bible study
• A synod-wide Bible study in the fall, Dialogues on Race—more details coming soon!
• Tell it! Youth Group Video Contest—returns in 2022, youth groups re-tell a favorite Bible study

Pastor Shaner then led the assembly in a short experience with this summer’s Bible Reading Plan, “3 Preachy Prophets: Amos, Joel, and Hosea.” Pastor Linda Faltin (retired, Greensboro) shared via video the reflection she wrote for this summer on Hosea 2. In one of the few Zoom glitches of the weekend, the plan to discuss via Zoom breakout rooms did not materialize, however, we were able to hear  Pastor Shaner and Pastor CeCee Mills share some of their thoughts on a few discussion questions. We closed with prayer. This summer’s Bible Reading Plan will help us read and reflect on three books of the Bible with 28 devotions from 28 writers from across the NC Synod.

Beginning Sunday, July 4, we will read Amos, Joel, and Hosea together as a synod—from Manteo to Murphy, or more specifically for our synod’s congregations, from Andrews to Atlantic Beach! Join us!

There are three ways to engage with “3 Preachy Prophets:”

1. Subscribe to the email list and each day’s reading will come to your inbox. Visit the synod’s homepage and scroll down to find a purple Sign Up form. Complete the form, check “3 Preachy Prophets,” and click “Submit.” (If you are already subscribed to other e-newsletters, this will just update your profile.)
2. Watch the synod’s homepage. Each day’s reading will post here:
3. Follow our synod’s Facebook page. Each day’s reading will also post to the page:

We hope you will join Lutherans across the synod and beyond for a journey this summer with those 3 Preachy Prophets!


Synod Staff


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