Fall Convocation for rostered ministers

September 1, 2019 |

Fall Convocation for rostered ministers

It’s getting to be that time of year. When the calendar flips to September it means Fall Convocation for church leaders is just weeks away. Your planning team dreams about what you might need when you arrive, and then we work to make it happen.
We know you need some rest, so we plan a schedule that isn’t too jam-packed and create spaces to take a break or catch up with a friend.

We imagine the kinds of workshops you would like to attend and invite people to lead them. We begin each day with a bit of scripture, prayer, and singing, and Monday evening we gather at the table of our Lord to be nourished. We are fed in many ways: the food services staff at Lutheridge prepares feasts and snacks that keep us going, and in the evenings, we gather for fellowship, which usually includes a guitar or two out on the porch.
This year, we celebrate the 40th anniversary of the ordination of the Reverend Earlean Miller, the first African American woman ordained into the Lutheran church in this country. The Spirit called her to ordained ministry to serve of Prince of Peace Lutheran in Greensboro, NC. Because God has granted us the gifts of the Rev. CeCee Mills, the Rev. Brenda Bynum, the Rev. Dr. Beverly Wallace, and Dr. Shanitria Cuthbertson, to live and serve alongside us in this synod, we have asked, and they have agreed, to be our keynote speakers this fall. The Holy Spirit is already at work in us, preparing us for our time together, and God will do marvelous things in and among us for the sake of the world God loves.
Join us October 7-9 at Lutheridge. There is still time to register. Registration will happen through the synod office this year; use this link to register today! Early bird registration ends September 7–don’t miss it! Questions? Contact the synod office at 704-633-4861.

–Pastor Jennifer Shimota (Krushas) is co-chair of the synod’s Fall Convocation Planning Team.


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