
Category Archives

Bible Reading Plan begins July 4

By Rick Godby / June 21, 2021
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The synod’s Summer Bible Reading Plan is almost here! This year we’ll be reading “3 Preachy Prophets: Amos, Joel, Hosea” together. Beginning Sunday, July 4, daily devotions will be posted on Facebook and this website or you can subscribe to receive them in your inbox. Writers from NC Synod congregations—pastors, deacons, and laypeople—will share their […]

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Summer Worship Available June 28

By Rick Godby / June 21, 2021
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Similar to videos provided for the Sunday after Christmas and the Sunday after Easter, the synod staff will provide a recorded worship which can be used for a pastor’s vacation Sunday ANYTIME during the months of July or August. It will be available on Monday, June 28, before noon and will not be lectionary-based. Bishop […]

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All Races One Church

By Catherine Fink / June 7, 2021
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We heard a lot about the new All Races One Church (AROC) Fund of the North Carolina Synod at our 2021 Assembly. This is not your typical budget line item; this is money that makes a difference. This is money that uses our prophetic voice, one of our core values as a synod, to provide […]

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Collaboration Commitment

By Catherine Fink / June 7, 2021
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Throughout the 2021 synod assembly, the North Carolina Synod reaffirmed our commitment to embracing our partners in ministry. God gives us strength through and in our ministry with each other and our ecumenical siblings in Christ from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the Moravian Church, and the Episcopal Church. Collaboration with others is a […]

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Friday Worship: Moravian Love Feast

By Catherine Fink / June 7, 2021
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As worship began, Madi White, a Moravian intern at The Dwelling provided a description of the origins of the Moravian Love Feast. Early in the 18th century, congregants stuck around after worship to talk about the spiritual blessing they had received during the Eucharist celebration. They were gathered on Count Zinzendorf’s property, and seeing that […]

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Daily Devotions: Doug, Debbie, Diane

By Catherine Fink / June 7, 2021
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“Strength for the Journey” was the theme of the 2021 North Carolina Synod Assembly, with the central text being the story of the man who was paralyzed being lowered through the roof in order to see Jesus (Mark 2:1-12). Each day of the assembly, devotions were offered by different lay leaders in the NC Synod. […]

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Bishop Tim Smith Re-elected on First Ballot

By Catherine Fink / June 7, 2021
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Each ELCA synod holds a bishop’s election every six years. In 2015, Rev. Timothy Marcus Smith was elected to the office of Bishop of the North Carolina Synod of the ELCA, and he has served faithfully for nearly six years. This means a bishop’s election was a point of business at the 2021 synod assembly. […]

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Bishop Smith’s Reflections

By Catherine Fink / June 7, 2021
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The Friday morning agenda allowed assembly participants the opportunity to hear from Bishop Timothy Smith. Bishop Smith’s reflections, while they included his thankfulness of being reelected as well as his memories of six years ago, mostly focused on the past two years of ministry within our synod. The past year and a half of ministry […]

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VP Diana Haywood Reflects

By Catherine Fink / June 7, 2021
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Vice President Diana Haywood is known for many things across the North Carolina Synod—mostly for her faithful, careful, and bold leadership of Synod Council since her election in 2009. However, those who have attended synod assemblies over the years will remember well another claim to fame: her powerful assembly reflections which usually come right near […]

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An Icon for Assembly

By Catherine Fink / June 7, 2021
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“What bring you strength for the journey?” Assembly-goers were asked to submit their answers to that question ahead of this year’s NC Synod Assembly. After gathering the responses and considering the assembly text of Mark 2 (the story of the paralytic let down through the roof), artist Sister Michelle Walka says, “I offered these responses […]

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