The bishop’s election process is overseen by the NC Synod Council along with the ELCA Office of the Secretary and ELCA Presiding Bishop. Asa a key step in our discernment, Synod council is requesting the input of the synod—that’s YOU and others in your congregation!—for the creation of a synodwide Ministry Site Profile (MSP), similar […]
Read MoreAt the December Synod Council meeting, NC Synod Vice President Diana Haywood announced the appointment of two committees for the purpose of accomplishing the important task of electing a bishop at the upcoming synod assembly. VP Haywood outlined the particulars of this important task earlier this fall. The Bishop’s Transition Committee, chaired by Deacon Tammy […]
Read MoreCelebrating anniversaries Our much-anticipated celebration of anniversaries occurred on Saturday morning of assembly, just before lunch. Pastors with significant ministry anniversaries were celebrated and, for some, given certificates of recognition for their long-time ministry. Additionally, several congregations celebrated significant anniversaries in 2019.
Read MoreConference deans are installed On Saturday morning of assembly, the newly-elected (or re-elected) conference deans were installed. These pastors serve as an administrative officer of the conference in which they serve and as an extension of the Office of the Bishop in that geographic area.
Read More“Seriously?” “Seriously?” “Eye-opening.” “Disturbing.” “I’m sorry that our church treats you this way.” These were just a few of the responses at my table after we watched the “Seriously?” video at the NC Synod Assembly and were invited by Dr. Mindy Makant, deacon, to engage in some discussion.
Read MoreDetectives of divinity The Rev. Ruben Duran, ELCA Director of Congregational Vitality, reminded the assembly of John 15:5 as he began his session on congregational vitality on Friday afternoon. Jesus said, “I am the vine, you are the branches, if you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from […]
Read MoreSustainability and vitality: the congregational life cycle During Saturday’s morning session, the assembly heard all about mold and maggots. Yes, you read that right. Mold and maggots. The Rev. Danielle DeNise, NC Synod Director for Evangelical Mission (DEM), reminded the assembly of the story of the children of Israel in Exodus 16, where they received […]
Read MoreConstitutional changes approved Before an en bloc vote of several changes to the synod constitution, Secretary Doug Ramsey offered concise summaries of those changes.
Read MoreVice President Haywood offers concluding remarks Newly re-elected Vice President Diana Haywood started her remarks saying, “As I say every year, North Carolina is the place to be.” She jokingly declared that she was initially both encouraged and still surprised by the assembly still voting for her until she realized she was the only name […]
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