Every church receives income on a regular basis and it is very important how you handle that income. There are some things you can do make sure you track everything correctly. Always have multiple people add up deposit and prepare deposit slip. This should help to make sure that one person is not able to remove any monies. Have a two-key safe so no one can access the safe alone. This goes along with the first point and is extra step of security. Always handle the income the same no matter what the function. It is easy to stray from your normal practice when you have monies come in at different time. Keep the same procedure to make sure nothing happens. Rotating people on a regular basis is a great idea to make sure that people do not get complacent. It is easy after a long time of doing something for things to slip by. Changing people up will help stop that. If you can, always encourage online giving. Online giving is great way to help with deposits. When no cash or checks come to the church, it allows for simpler entry into your accounting system. It also removes people from handling where mistakes could be made. If you want help setting up things around best practices with finances please reach out to Michael DeNise, Director of Finance and Administration, at the synod office.