Vision & Structure

Rick Godby

Vision & Structure

Some of you are quite aware of our four new vision priorities for the NC Synod—Vital Congregations, Healthy Leaders, Collaboration, and Prophetic Voice. Visions can be exciting and inspiring. Structure, not so much, but structure is really important. It’s been quite a number of years since we had a major constitutional overhaul in the NC […]

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Helpers Children’s TV personality Mr. Rogers learned from his mother that amid news of tragedies and disasters we should “look for the helpers.” Without diminishing the devastation in eastern NC wrought by Hurricane Florence, I and those affected most profoundly are indeed heartened by and are even among the helpers. I could share many details

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First, Lexington, delivers 3,600 cookies!

First, Lexington, delivers 3,600 cookies! “God does not need your good works, but your neighbor does.” Martin Luther perfectly describes the attitude at First, Lexington, on Sunday, September 9, 2018. In the early morning hours, families gathered to deliver 3,600 homemade cookies to every fireman, policeman, and all emergency personnel in Davidson County.

First, Lexington, delivers 3,600 cookies! Read More »