Stories of Ministry

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Our Neighbor’s Plate—More Than a Meal

Apr 25, 2022 |
Hunger is not only a lack of food but a deeper desire to be seen as a neighbor and to be known by name.

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Equipment Upgrade Expands Reach

Apr 18, 2022 |
These have been trying times as everyone knows but this boost helped us expand our reach and stay relevant.

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A Prayer Lifeline to Leaders

Apr 18, 2022 |
For a lot of her people, Pastor Brenda Smith has been a lifeline.

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Outreach Ministry Expanded

Apr 8, 2022 |
We were so thankful when we received our Michael Peeler Virginia Casey Grant. God had a plan for us to safely help feed, clothe, and have prayer with our community."

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Opening Classrooms and Hearts

Mar 14, 2022 |
Well, I know that God can do anything, but God decided to work through the Peeler/Casey Grant.

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SAMs, Lay Preachers Gather for Learning

Mar 14, 2022 |
SAM and lay preaching candidates are lay leaders raised up in their home congregations to fill an unmet need in congregations.

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Community Concert Celebrations!

Mar 5, 2022 |
St. Andrew, New Bern, celebrates their gratitude with concerts.

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Mt. Hermon Little Pantry

Mar 3, 2022 |
"Our Youth are Amazing"

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Serving Christ & Country

Feb 14, 2022 |
Ultimately, I think God has put me here to help save lives and to shine the light of Christ.

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Christmas in Kentucky

Jan 16, 2022 |
'We now know what Santa must feel like,' LSC Disaster Services Team Director Paul Dunn said.

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2021 LWR Ingathering Success!

Dec 6, 2021 |
For 2021, there were over 21,000 pounds of kits and quilts taken to Lutheran World Relief!

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Tangible Signs of Intangible Grief

Nov 15, 2021 |
The orange cloth is a tangible thing that opens opportunities for discussion about intangible grief.

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Freedom Fridge: Finding Power Together

Oct 18, 2021 |
One answer to prayer came when community partners asked us to host Greensboro’s first Freedom Fridge, a free public refrigerator and pantry stocked and maintained by the community.

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St. John’s Volunteers Go to School

Oct 18, 2021 |
Fifty-five volunteers from St. John’s, Salisbury participated in the "God’s Work. Our Hands." project at Isenberg Elementary on Oct. 10.

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God’s Work. Our Hands. 2021

Oct 7, 2021 |
The blessings of this service across the synod are far-reaching!

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