
Category Archives

Synod Constitutional Changes

By Angel Owens / December 3, 2022
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Every three years when the ELCA meets in assembly, the churchwide constitution, the model constitution for synods, and the model constitution for congregations are reviewed and updated. All three were updated and approved at the ELCA Churchwide Assembly (CWA) in August 2022. Constitutional requirements and recommendations are published and become effective following the assembly. In […]

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Littles Receive Niner United Award

By Catherine Fink / November 18, 2022
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Niner United, the Campus Ministry of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC) recently awarded Dick & Cherie Little with the Loy Witherspoon Distinguished Service Award on November 10 at a reception in their honor. The award is given annually for exemplary support of Niner United, the combined Methodist, Episcopal, Presbyterian, and Lutheran campus […]

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ELCA Bishop Visits the NC Synod

By Angel Owens / November 10, 2022
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North Carolina is the place to be!—at least it was this weekend for ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth A. Eaton. Her visit began on Friday with an ELCA Evening with Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton hosted by Christ the King in Cary. The event focused primarily on Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM), Fund for Leaders seminary […]

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Getting Out the Vote!

By Angel Owens / October 31, 2022
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In these vitally important days leading up to the mid-term elections, Advent Lutheran, Charlotte decided to take up the charge from the ELCA Social Policy Resolution “Voting Rights to All Citizens” that was adopted in August 2013: “ resolved, that members, congregations, and synods of this church be encouraged to “promote public life worthy of […]

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500 Years of God’s Word in Common Language

By Angel Owens / October 29, 2022
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Editor’s note: On the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s translation of the New Testament first being published, we offer an early look at our October issue lead feature. Five hundred years ago in September, at the Leipzig Fair in the German state of Saxony, the printer Melchior Lotter Jr. offered up for sale his first […]

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Interview with Stephen Bouman

By Angel Owens / October 17, 2022
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The NC Synod Immigration & Refugee Team is thrilled to welcome the Rev. Dr. Stephen Bouman to discuss his book They Are Us: Lutherans and Immigration via Zoom for the NC Synod’s 2022 Fall Book Study, beginning October 20 at 7:00 p.m. EST. Pastor Bouman is the director of Evangelical Outreach and Congregational Mission for […]

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Responding to God’s Call

By Catherine Fink / October 13, 2022
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An EMT, a lawyer, and a pilot walk into… It sounds like a joke, but it’s not. On the last weekend of September, participants in the NC Synod’s Lay Preaching and Synod Authorized Minister formation programs gathered in Salisbury for a weekend intensive focused on worship and preaching. Every person participating in what is now […]

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NC Synod God’s Work. Our Hands.

By Angel Owens / October 13, 2022
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On Sunday Sept. 11, congregations all across the NC Synod joined congregations Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) for “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday. This designated day gives us an opportunity to celebrate who we are as a church—one church, freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor. This year, congregations helped provide meals, clean […]

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ELCA 2022 Churchwide Assembly Recap

By Catherine Fink / September 27, 2022
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Gathering under the theme “Embody the Word,” more than 800 voting members met Aug. 8-12 at the Greater Columbus (Ohio) Convention Center for the 16th ELCA Churchwide Assembly. In her welcome, Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton acknowledged that the assembly was gathering on the original and ancestral homelands of the Shawnee, Miami, and Kaskaskia peoples. “We give […]

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Synod Council, Staff Gather in Retreat

By Catherine Fink / September 23, 2022
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The 2022 NC Synod Council recently gathered, September 8-10, 2022, in retreat at Lutheridge to welcome newly-elected members. While the regular meeting of the council began Friday afternoon, the added time allowed for group-building, onboarding, and extended conversation about recent synod council decisions. A Friday evening field trip was also on the schedule; all were […]

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