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Catherine Fink

Yoked congregations find joy

Yoked congregations find joy In a season where fear has become increasingly abundant as congregations are challenged to sustain ministries and meet financial obligations, two NC Synod congregations have faithfully stepped outside of their comfort zones to participate in a Holy Innovation. Recognizing the need for vital, vibrant congregations, the synod staff encouraged the congregations

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Pastor Phil Tonnesen hosts the Ministry Partner Fair

Being church together with ministry partners

Being Church together with ministry partners Being the Church together means being in relationship together. The Reverend Philip Tonnesen, assistant to the bishop, shared with the assembly the way partners in ministry across synodical, churchwide, and community organizations are proclaiming the Gospel to those in need across our communities as well as in our companion

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Bishop Tim at the podium

Congregational Vitality is assembly focus

Congregational Vitality is assembly focus Those entering the 2019 NC Synod Assembly today were confronted with a question: “What is Congregational Vitality?” It was on display throughout the room, on the front screens and on every tabletop. Fortunately, the answer read in bold just below the question: “Communities of Jesus that nurture life-changing relationships with

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