Will You Consider Serving?

The Synod's Nominating Committee is currently seeking nominees for several positions.

March 2, 2021 |

The NC Synod’s Nominating Committee is currently seeking nominees for several positions to be elected at our upcoming synod assembly.

Nominees are needed for SYNOD COUNCIL in several categories: lay male, lay female, rostered male, and rostered female. These will be 4-year terms beginning in August 2021. Synod Council is the governing body of the synod between the times when the synod is gathered in Assembly.

Nominees are also needed for VOTING MEMBERS to the 2022 ELCA Churchwide Assembly in several categories: lay male, lay female, rostered male, and rostered female. We will elect 13 voting members. Churchwide assembly is the primary decision-making body of the church.

For all nominees, the committee will address the balance between laypersons and pastors, gender, status of youth/young adult, ethnic background, and will work to achieve geographical diversity of nominees. You may only nominate one person per position. The deadline for submission of the completed form & photo is March 31, 2021.

Click the link on the sidebar to nominate someone else or yourself. Once the nomination form is submitted, the nominee will be contacted to submit additional information and a photo for the nomination booklet. This will allow their name to go forward for election.



Synod Staff


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