Vice President Haywood on the Synod Bishop’s Election

Vice President Diana Haywood shares details about the synod's 2025 Assembly, now with a bishop's election.

November 12, 2024 | ,

Dear Partners in Ministry,

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ!

The North Carolina Synod, ELCA, is truly blessed to have the strong, effective, and devoted leadership of Bishop Tim Smith. For nearly 10 years, we have had the opportunity to work and walk in ministry together. Bishop Smith has announced that he will retire at the end of July 2025. On behalf of a grateful synod, I extend heartfelt thanks and deep appreciation to Bishop Smith for his energy, vision, ministry, and his faithful, committed, and wise leadership.

The upcoming 7-9 months promise to be busy for the entire synod:

  • Bishop Smith and the synod office staff will continue with normal responsibilities, the usual full schedule, and additional responsibilities related to the transition. They will remain attentive to core values—Jesus, Generosity, Relationship, and Reconciliation—and to working with congregations. Bishop Smith will continue the process of implementing a more intentional pursuit of alternative funding streams for the synod.
  • The Synod Council will appoint a Transition Team. This team will be responsible for collaborating with the Synod Council and the Office of the Presiding Bishop to assure thoughtful planning and attention to details related to the transition to a new bishop. This includes reviewing, identifying, and facilitating matters related to closure with the outgoing Bishop and preparation for an incoming synodical bishop.
  • While plans for the 2025 Synod Assembly are underway, changes will be made to include special consideration for the bishop’s election process. Electing a bishop is a very important responsibility in the life of a synod and is a key responsibility of the Synod Assembly. The Synod Council has announced the date and site for the 2025 Assembly.

The 2025 NC Synod Assembly will be held on May 29-31
Koury Convention Center/Sheraton in Greensboro

  • The Synod Council is responsible for ensuring that the process for nominating and electing a bishop is competently and fairly handled and that it is consistent with our governing documents. To accomplish this, the Synod Council will:
    1. Appoint a Bishop’s Election Committee with responsibility for the processes related to the election of a synod bishop. This committee ensures that voting procedures, timelines, and processes are thoughtfully planned in advance of the assembly and followed during the assembly. The Bishop’s Election Committee is not synonymous with the Elections Committee of the Synod Assembly and has no responsibility for other elections during the assembly.
    2. Provide opportunities for conversation, explanation of process, and general information sharing prior to the Synod Assembly.
  •  The NC Synod uses ecclesiastical balloting for the election of the bishop. To assure understanding, a detailed explanation of “ecclesiastical balloting” will be made available. It is important to note that ecclesiastical balloting precludes publicly identifying names/candidates prior to balloting and that, constitutionally, all pastors on the ELCA roster are eligible for election:

†S8.11. The bishop shall be elected by the Synod Assembly. The bishop shall be a minister of Word and Sacrament of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

S9.04. The bishop shall be elected by the Synod Assembly by ecclesiastical ballot.

  • During the upcoming months, please expect updates regarding special celebrations to honor the ministry and leadership of Bishop Smith and a service of installation for the newly-elected bishop. Information will be shared via the Synod e-News and on the synod website.
  • Four members of the bishop’s staff—Pastor CeCee Mills, Pastor Cassie Overcash, Pastor Alfredo Oviedo, and Pastor Phil Tonnesen—serve in calls that are co-terminus with the bishop. Pastor Danielle DeNise, who is called by the ELCA to be our synod’s Director for Evangelical Mission, also serves in a co-terminus call with the bishop. Their resignations will be effective at the end of Bishop Smith’s term. Normally, other staff members who are not serving as assistants to the bishop can be expected to continue into a new bishop’s term.
  • Congregations are responsible for electing voting members for the 2025 Synod Assembly. These individuals will have the important role of participating in the election or call process for the new bishop of the NC Synod. Please elect your congregation’s voting members as early as possible to allow the time needed to review the materials and resources that will be provided regarding the election. Voting members elected well in advance of spring conference meetings will be better positioned to be well-informed at the time of the assembly.
  • Guided by the Holy Spirit, all of us in the NC Synod are encouraged to be in a time of discernment, prayer, and Bible study as we reflect on the synod’s ministry priorities and the leadership gifts and abilities needed by the next bishop.

Again, this is a very special year. It will be busy and exciting. I look forward to serving with you as we journey together in ministry. I will keep you, your ministries, and your congregations in prayer and ask that you please pray for Bishop Smith and his family, our synod staff, and the Synod Council.

The Lord be with you,

Vice President, Synod Council
NC Synod, ELCA


Diana Haywood, Vice President, NC Synod Council

Diana Post

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