Packing Backpacks for Fresh Change

We were blessed by the grant and hope that our work can be a blessing to others.

November 20, 2023 |

Shepherd of the Sea, Atlantic Beach

Shepherd of the Sea, Atlantic Beach, was so grateful to receive an NC Synod Bishop’s Challenge Seed Grant to help refugees and immigrants. That money—then matched dollar for dollar (and then some!) by members of Shepherd of the Sea—helped them to pack 75 backpacks to send to Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) for their Fresh Change program. Members packed them as part of their God’s Work, Our Hands Sunday in September and sent them that week to New Mexico. Pastor Kelly Pensinger shares, “We were blessed by the grant and hope that our work can be a blessing to others.”

Story Attribution:

Pastor Kelly Pensinger, Shepherd of the Sea, Atlantic Beach

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