Refugee Hospitality

Work of Welcome

"As a church called to welcome the stranger, and as the North Carolina Synod, we are asking you to help us care for and welcome refugee families."

—Bishop Tim Smith, NC Synod


  • New Americans come from more than 23 countries around the world. The top countries include Syria, Afghanistan, DRC (Congo), Guatemala, Burma, Guatemala, and Burma.
  • Lutheran Services Carolinas (LSC) current has resettlement offices in Raleigh, Salisbury, and Asheville.
  • At least 164 congregations fall within the 100-mile coverage radius of LSC offices.
  • Congregations that fall outside LSC's coverage radius can partner with a congregation that does or connect with a partner like Church World Service.


Refugees Resettled
by LSC Since 1979


Refugees Resettled by LSC
since October 2023


Individuals served by LSC
in the last fiscal year

Lutheran Immigration & Refugee Service has been welcoming newcomers since 1939. With a new name, the same mission, and the support of partners and Lutheran communities, in 2023 Global Refuge was able to:

  • Help 17,000+ children reunify with their families or find loving foster homes 
  • Welcome 11,200+ refugees from countries across the world 
  • Assist 11,700+ people seeking safety from Central America and beyond 

What Can We Do?

Play a pivotal role in a family’s ‘long welcome’ with the support of LSC and the NC Synod Immigration & Refugee Team. For more information about starting a Circle of Welcome email

View/Download Circle of Welcome Handout

Contact LSC at to learn how can donate or create welcome kits for refugees.

Consider using your parsonage—or any congregation-owned housing—for refugee families. LSC will provide a rental stipend for these properties.

The Lutheran Immigration Refugee Service's (LIRS) Fresh Change program offers an opportunity to welcome immigrants with a bag of new clothing. It takes just five items to make a difference. Using their toolkit, volunteers can pack as many bags as they’d like and send them to our neighbors at the border. 

Host a Fresh Change Packing Party!

Provide much-needed storage space for LSC New Americans offices to help store donated furniture, goods, and Welcome Kits until they are needed.

Individuals or congregations can help with storage by donating funds that will help pay for a storage unit or provide storage at an easily accessible location. To learn more about donating please contact LSC Development Office at

Bishop’s Challenge (1200 × 1200 px)

Resurrection Work—The Bishop's Challenge

At the 2022 Synod Gathering, Bishop Tim Smith challenged North Carolina Synod Congregations to respond to the call to welcome the stranger by actively engaging in refugee resettlement.

By Easter 2024, 60% of the synod's congregations reported their work of welcome to the Office of the Bishop.


of Congregations

This work on the synod level is supported by our Immigration & Refugee Team led by staff member, Michael Dickson.