Community Concert Celebrations!

St. Andrew, New Bern, celebrates their gratitude with concerts.

March 5, 2022 |

In celebration of and thanksgiving for their finally-renovated sanctuary, St. Andrew, New Bern, used support from a Peeler/Casey Fund grant from the NC Synod to host several concerts for the community. After suffering significant damage from Hurricane Florence and facing several challenges with the renovations, the congregation is grateful! One of the concerts featured local artist Ms. Bonita Burney Simmons and the offerings raised money for “My Sister’s House” a future residence for post-incarcerated women as they start their new life. Other concerts featured the Fairfield Harbour Chorus and the Craven Period Instrument Consort. An upcoming March 27, 2022, concert will feature Molasses Creek.

What ministry of your congregation might benefit from the synod’s Michael Peeler/Virginia Casey Funds? Applications for 2022 are due April 30!

Story Attribution:

Synod Staff

Bonita-Simmons-with backup singers_post

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