Hurricane Helene Response

Ps. 121:1 – “I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where is my help to come?”

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Bridging transparent white

Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS), Lutheran Disaster Response (LDR), and LDR Carolinas are partnering to fund and build bridges in Western North Carolina.

Many families need bridges to cross small creeks between the state-maintained road and their homes. There are estimated to be over 5,000 of these private bridges that need to be replaced because of Hurricane Helene.

You can help! Be part of this project by donating financially or volunteering your time. 


NC Synod Disaster Fund
Donate to this fund supporting NC Synod congregations, rostered ministers, and their identified needs.

LDR Carolinas
Donate to support this ministry which works across both the North and South Carolina Synods.

Lutheran Disaster Response
Support the ELCA churchwide effort for both short- and long-term disaster response across this country.

What NOT to give? Please don’t send clothing or other items—even bottled water—unless you are certain that the items are needed and there is an organization prepared to receive, store, and distribute them! Monetary donations are always the best! 


Learn more at

If you have questions about Bridging Together, email

Can’t assemble Hygiene Kits or Clean Up Buckets? Purchase items for these kits on Amazon and let someone else assemble them. Here is the Amazon wish list. Have them drop-shipped to be assembled at an upcoming Packing Party. Thanks to Grace, Salisbury, NC for receiving those items for us!

Answer calls for Crisis Cleanup. Work from home on your own computer and schedule. Email Ruth Ann.

Check out the Red Cross volunteer page to give blood, volunteer to help at a shelter, or provide whatever needs they list. NC currently has more than 12 shelters open and is desperate for volunteers.

VolunteerNC has many volunteer positions available. Go to this site to register and choose your position. Register here and choose your preferred counties and positions.


Spread Christmas Cheer by December 13!

LDR Carolinas has reached out to the ELCA pastors from Hendersonville to Boone for information about how we could best support families in their communities. These are their suggestions:

Gift Cards

Provide gift cards ($25 per card) that can be used to purchase food, fuel, tools or home repair supplies, or other gift items. Suggested retailers include Ingles, Aldi’s, or Food Lion; Speedway or Shell; Lowes or Home Depot; Walmart or Target; or Visa gift cards.

Financial Donation

Make financial donations to LDR Carolinas (designated for Christmas).  These donations will be distributed to congregations to assist community organizations already planning Angel Trees, Blessing Bags, or other programs in their local communities.

You can make donations online here.

Children's Comfort Kits

One of our NCVOAD (North Carolina Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster) partners would like to distribute Children's Comfort Kits at several school events in December. Please deliver to one of the collection locations:

  • NC Synod Office, Salisbury NC
  • Good Shepherd,  Raleigh NC
  • Zion, Hickory NC
  • Zion, Lexington SC

Please let LDR Carolinas know if you plan to participate in one of these ways.  Whatever you choose, please make sure your gift or donation will arrive by Friday, December 13. Learn more from the LDR Carolinas blog.

Synod T-Shirts Support Disaster Response

Synod T-shirt Post

The North Carolina Synod has branded t-shirts and sweatshirts available through the web store, Bonfire. At this time, all profits from these sales will go to the NC Synod Disaster Fund to support those affected by Hurricane Helene and the recent unnamed storm in southeastern NC.

Buy a shirt or sweatshirt; support disaster relief via the NC Synod Disaster Fund!


O merciful Father, you teach us in your holy Word that you do not willingly afflict or grieve your children. Look with pity on the sorrows of all affected and affected by Hurricane Helene, for whom we pray. Remember them, O Lord, in mercy. Strengthen them in patience, comfort them with the memory of your goodness, let your presence shine on them, and give them peace through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (LBW)


  • Apply for FEMA assistance. Gather your information and apply online, download the FEMA app, or call 800-621-3362. Applications are due November 27.
  • Need a bridge? Mennonite Disaster Service and LDR Carolinas are partnering to rebuild private bridges in Western North Carolinas. Fill out this form.

Quick Links


LDR Carolinas—Web

Check out the website of LDR Carolinas.


LDR Carolinas—Facebook

The most up-to-date information from LDRC.


Bridging Together

A partnership in rebuilding and recovery.