Hurricane Helene Response

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Contact LDR Carolinas

Pastors Ray and Ruth Ann Sipe


Giving is a helpful action to make an immediate impact.

NC Synod Disaster Fund
Donate to this fund supporting NC Synod congregations and rostered ministers. Donate here, choose “Where Needed Most” then note: “Disaster Fund” in the memo.

LDR Carolinas
Donate to support this ministry which works across both the North and South Carolina Synods. Donate here and choose “Lutheran Disaster Response.”

Lutheran Disaster Response
Donate to support the ELCA churchwide effort for disaster response which supports both short- and long-term recovery across the Southeast. Donate here.

What NOT to give? STUFF. Please DO NOT collect stuff. There is currently no way to get goods to the disaster area and there are no organizations prepared to accept donations. Please don’t ever send clothing or other items—even bottled water—unless you are certain that the items are needed and there is an organization prepared to receive, store, and distribute them! Monetary donations are always the best! 


Assemble Clean-Up Kits (aka Flood Buckets) and Children’s Comfort Kits using these instructions. Once complete, bring them to the synod office or contact Ray.

Assemble Hygiene Kits. Assemble these according to the instructions published by Lutheran World Relief for Personal Care Kits. 

Can’t assemble Hygiene Kits? Purchase items for these kits on Amazon and let someone else assemble them. Here is the Amazon wish list. Have them drop-shipped to be assembled at an upcoming Packing Party. Thanks to Grace, Salisbury, NC for receiving those items for us!

Answer calls for Crisis Cleanup. Work from home on your own computer and schedule. Email Ruth Ann.

  • Serve in an emergency shelter. Complete Just In Time American Red Cross shelter training; assist with an emergency shelter. Learn more; contact Ray.

Help with distribution of supplies by serving at a point of distribution (POD) for essential supplies. Email Ruth Ann.

Check out the Red Cross volunteer page to give blood, volunteer to help at a shelter, or provide whatever needs they list. NC currently has more than 12 shelters open and is desperate for volunteers.

VolunteerNC has many volunteer positions available. Go to this site to register and choose your position. Register here and choose your preferred counties and positions.


In It for the Long Haul

Why doesn’t Lutheran Disaster Response or LDR Carolinas have volunteer positions open now? LDR does not normally deploy first-response teams. Some professionals do that, groups from other denominations, and organizations like Team Rubicon made up of military veterans, who train for that rapid response and deploy those teams.

LDR is in disaster response for the long haul—rebuilding. Once the emergency response is complete, then we will begin organizing volunteer teams to help with debris cleanup, mucking out houses, helping with shelters and feeding, and then rebuilding.

We will be doing this for years after all the first responders have gone on to the next disaster. Remember: NO ONE ORGANIZATION can do everything, so we choose where we will excel—and that is in long-term recovery efforts. Those have not yet begun.


O merciful Father, you teach us in your holy Word that you do not willingly afflict or grieve your children. Look with pity on the sorrows of all affected and affected by Hurricane Helene, for whom we pray. Remember them, O Lord, in mercy. Strengthen them in patience, comfort them with the memory of your goodness, let your presence shine on them, and give them peace through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (LBW)


  • Restart your cell phone. Restarting your phone will give you access to emergency roaming service on any available cell carrier.
  • Call the Crisis Cleanup Hotline at 844-965-1386 to request volunteer help with muck out, tree or debris removal, and tarping.
  • Apply for FEMA assistance. Gather your information and apply online, download the FEMA app, or call 800-621-3362. Applications are due November 27.

Quick Links


LDR Carolinas—Web

Check out the website of LDR Carolinas.


LDR C—Facebook

The most up-to-date information from LDRC.


Mennonite Disaster Services

A partner in rebuilding and recovery.