Abiding Savior, Fairview
While the communities and people that make up many NC Synod congregations were significantly impacted by Helene, just one congregation reported significant property damage.
The culvert and driveways that provided access to Abiding Savior, Fairview were completely destroyed by the storm, but that didn’t stop ministry from happening!
In the days after the storm, the congregation offered what they had to their community—power inside (and on the front porch) for charging devices, cell phone service in the parking lot, and a safe space to gather for worship amid the grief. Thankfully, the pedestrian bridge was safe to cross.
The congregation shared their worship the week following the storm, “Today’s worship was a much-needed balm for our weary souls. We started with a hymn-sing under the theme of What song does your heart need to hear this morning?, and then we had a time of sharing the “cups of cold water” i.e. blessings we gave and received this week. We ended with a prayer circle.”
Volunteers helped remove fallen trees from the driveways in the month following the storm. After meeting with folks from FEMA, Mennonite Disaster Service, and Lutheran Disaster Response Carolinas, along with experienced structural engineers who surveyed the damage, work on the washed-out culvert and driveways began. In mid-November, the congregation shared that while the structure needs to settle for a few months before paving, they are grateful to have regained access to their driveways.
Special thanks go to Pastor Dave Eck for sharing updates, hope, and gratitude on Abiding Savior’s Facebook along the way, the Bridging Together ministry partnership with LDR Carolinas and Mennonite Disaster Service, and you, the congregations of this synod (and beyond)! Your financial support to LDR Carolinas and the synod’s disaster fund has made it possible to support Abiding Savior in their recovery.
As of this writing, it has been just over three months since the devastating arrival of Tropical Storm Helene in Western North Carolina. As those in the path of the storm move from immediate recovery efforts to long-term response, please continue to hold rostered ministers, ministry leaders, and their congregations in your prayers.
Story Attribution:
Synod Staff; Pastor David Eck