Joined by Youth, We Serve & Bless

The final day of Synod Gathering offered intensive workshops, worship, service, and the blessing of youth heading to New Orleans.

June 2, 2024 |

Synod Gathering’s final day began with an opportunity for participants to attend two-hour Intensive Workshops. Having almost double the time as other workshops, these allowed plenty of time for digging into topics and engaging in discussion. Deacon Tammy Jones West (ELCA Director of the Youth Gathering) led adults in Flight Check: Final Gathering Preparations. Pastor Ray and Ruth Ann Sipe, co-directors of LDR Carolinas focused on Preparing Your Congregation for Disaster, and a group from Christ the King, Cary, shared their experience in How to Facilitate Conversations on Reproductive Health. See the complete list of Intensives and all of the workshop handouts and PowerPoint slides here.

NC Synod Vice President Diana Haywood called the attendees together and reminded all of her tagline: “North Carolina is the place to be.” She continued, “The North Carolina Synod walking together through Christ—we are enough. We are more.” Closing worship then began…with youth—lots and lots of youth!—descending on the campus and making their way to P.E. Monroe Auditorium. Many of the youth and adult leaders from congregations all across the synod who are preparing for the upcoming ELCA Youth Gathering were in attendance to help lead worship, to join in the afternoon’s service project, and to receive a blessing from the synod before they head to New Orleans.

The preacher for worship was Deacon Beka Forst, who serves Holy Communion, Dallas, and has been serving as the synod’s 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering Champion, helping to get groups ready, offering adult training sessions, and answering many questions. In her sermon, she reminded those gathered of God’s promises, “You were created to be loved by that God…who knows (you) better than (you) know (yourself).” Forst also challenged worshipers with these questions for reflection: “How am I brave? Where am I disruptive?
How am I following Jesus?” She left all with good news: the kingdom is far bigger than we will ever know!

Following worship and a quick lunch, the crowd of Lutherans made their way to Moretz Gym to pack meals for Rise Against Hunger. Kids, youth, and adults were on hand to participate by being scoopers, runners, weighers, sealers, or packers. There was lots to do! Over 20,000 meals were packed in a little less than two hours.

After the meals were packed, youth and adults preparing for the ELCA Youth Gathering received a blessing led by Bishop Tim Smith and Pastor Cassie Overcash. Following the Youth Gathering theme, the blessing invited those in attendance to proclaim, “We are created for relationship. We are created to be disciples. We are created to be authentic.” Synod Gathering participants laid hands on them as the blessing was given. Before heading home, participants were invited enjoy a taste of NOLA with some delicious beignets!


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