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Small, Scrappy & Vital Congregations


September 27
September 29
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Event Description

God shows up in even the smallest of places, but a one-size-fits-all approach to ministry just does not work. This event is designed specifically for the small & scrappy congregations in the North Carolina synod where God is present and working in abundant ways. Leadership teams, pastors, deacons, and SAMs from congregations who regularly have 50 or less in worship are invited to Haven Lutheran Church in Salisbury, with lodging at the Hampton Inn, Friday- Sunday, September 27-29. Bring your whole congregation council!

Thanks to a generous grant from the ELCA Churchwide expression, the cost is $50 per person. This will cover five meals, lodging, and content for the whole weekend. (Commuting? The cost is $35 per person. Single Room? The cost is $100 per person.) Get the most from this event! An ELCA grant will pay for a supply preacher for Sunday, September 29 so you can attend the whole event, or choose to receive a sermon that can be shared by a lay leader in your congregation.

Teresa J. Stewart will bring her passion for small congregations to our sessions. For over 15 years, she has written resources for small congregations, studied their strengths, and offered workshops on their challenges and advantages.

Downlead the flier PDF to share with leaders in your congregation.

Questions? Contact Danielle DeNise, ddenise@nclutheran.org

Register by September 15.

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