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Evangelism or Interfaith Dialogue: Do I Have to Choose?


October 19, 2023
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
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Event Description

Are you torn between sharing your faith and respecting other beliefs? Engage in thought-provoking discussions with leaders and fellow participants. Gain valuable insights, challenge your perspectives, and foster understanding. Many Christians who engage in interfaith work and whose churches play an integral role in welcoming and assisting refugees (many of whom are Muslim) believe they are putting their Christian faith into action. But where does evangelism fit in, if at all? Is the Great Commandment (love God & your neighbor) and the Great Commission (make disciples of all nations) competing or contradictory? How do we account for current and historical power imbalances and harm committed in the name of religion, namely religious intolerance and oppression? How does one’s racial, ethnic, and/or cultural identity shape the conversation? Join the conversation on Thursday, October 19, from 1 – 3 p.m.

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