North Carolina Synod
Event Description
All rostered ministers and assigned SAMs of the North Carolina Synod are invited to a Chrism Mass—a time to worship with colleagues, reaffirm ordination promises, and receive the three oils used in ministry: chrism, catechumen, and oil of the sick. The oils will be blessed in worship and then can be used throughout the year. Four worship opportunities will be offered across the synod:
Monday, March 3 at Christus Victor Lutheran in Durham at 10:30 a.m.
Monday, March 3 at St. James Lutheran in Fayetteville at 3:00 p.m.
Tuesday, March 4 at Holly Grove in Lexington at 10:30 a.m.
Tuesday, March 4 at Mt. Hebron in Hildebran at 3 p.m.
The bishop’s staff will be present at all four gatherings.
Rostered ministers of the synod: you are invited to come—come and simply worship, without leading worship. Come to be fed by God’s word and at God’s table as you prepare to lead your communities of faith to the cross and empty tomb. Come to renew your sense of call to ministry. Come to be blessed so that you might be a blessing to others.
Come and receive oil to use in your ministry. You can bring your own oil container to be refilled or we will have containers ready for you.