Ebenezer packs bags for vets
Ebenezer, China Grove, member Jerry Fitch is a Vietnam Veteran. His Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) group was collecting toiletries for veterans who would be in the hospital over the holidays at our local VA Hospital in Salisbury.
He received a Thrivent Financial Action Team grant, which came as a $250 gift card, and he also had another $135 donated. The local VVA chapter, the church, and a local dentist all donated boxes of items. A cub scout in the congregation also decorated Christmas cards to add to the bags. Each bag contained a pair of socks, toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, shaver and shaving cream, shampoo, soap, lotion, puzzle books, pens, pencils and note pads. Fifty bags were packed by the kids and adults of the congregation, blessed by Pastor Bob Young, and delivered to the VA.
Article submitted by Jenny Hancock and Judy Fitch.