
Browse Synod News, Stories of Ministry, the Bishop's Reflections, and more.

North Carolina Synod Communications aims to build relationships and tell stories together so that God's beloved can feel a sense of belonging.

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Use the Hashtags: #FortheSakeoftheWorld, #NCsynod, and #NClutheran.


Practical Resources for Churches (PRC)
PRC offers online resources for all ministry areas including Communications—free to all NC Synod congregations.

Caffeinated Church
Caffeinated Church offers support to communicators and administrators through webinars, mentorships, and interactive meetings. Contact synod communications about a membership!

Stories of Ministry

God is active! Stories of ministry share how God is present, relationships are forming, and lives are transforming in congregations, in communities, and across the synod!

Preparing for Relationship in PNG

Jul 15, 2024 | be in relationship with folks whose day-to-day existence looks so different from my own.... It reminds me how big God is.

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For Generations; for the Generations

Jun 17, 2024 |
Camp wraps us in God’s creative handiwork...energizes technology-weary souls...invites us to let down our guard and our egos and pick up new friendships while trying new things.

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NC Synod News

News from congregations and partners across the NC Synod.

Bishop's Reflections

The Rev. Dr. Timothy M. Smith, bishop, writes a monthly reflection.

Share Your Story

Thank you for sharing stories of the ways we are church together rooted in our synod core values.

Relationship. Generosity. Reconciliation. Christ-Centered.


Let's read the Bible together! The 2023 Bible Reading Plan, Genesis Generations, will be back for Part II summer 2024!

Join Pastor Phil Tonnesen to hear about what new things God is doing in our synod. Clergy and lay people from across the synod reflected on Isaiah 43:19. Use this meditation for your own personal reflection.

Communications Consults

Sign Up for a 1-Hour Zoom Consultation

Do you have specific questions about social media, your website, or your communications strategy? We are here to help! 

Schedule a Zoom consultation with the NC Synod Communications Team.

Communicators Facebook Group

You're invited to join an online community of NC Synod church communicators—made up of volunteers, deacons, church administrators, pastors, and anyone who passionate about storytelling, online ministry, and keeping congregations informed!

This group encourages collaboration, sharing resources, asking questions, and sharing new ideas.

Resources and Tips for Church Communicators

Weekly Social Media Graphics

NC Synod provides weekly square graphics of lectionary texts and prayers from Sundays and Seasons for congregations to download and schedule.

Download Graphics here.

Additional Promotional Graphics

The Bishop's Challenge (Refugee Resettlement)

2024 Synod Gathering Promotional Graphics

Canva for Nonprofits

Canva for Nonprofits offers free professional accounts for non profits. These accounts include access to templates, music, video, and copyright-free images.

Prefer Adobe products? Check out Adobe Express.

ELCA Technology Discounts
Several tech vendors offer ELCA Technology Discounts for congregations.

Looking for the Synod Gathering workshop presentation?
22 in 22 Presentation Slides
22 in 2022 Handout

Online Worship resources are available here.

e-News Archives

Find the two most-recent Synod e-Newsletters and the two most-recent Leader e-Newsletters below. If you are looking for other publications, please contact