Celebrations & Time with Bishop Tim

Bishop Smith is indeed “right where (he is) supposed to be” as the NC Synod continues to serve, thrive, and lead.

June 3, 2024 |

Photo credit: Liz Dinkins

Before Bishop Tim Smith spoke a word to the some 380 North Carolina Lutherans gathered on Friday afternoon to hear his annual address, the celebration had begun. Rostered ministers, retirees, and new-to-the-synod pastors were celebrated.

Years of faithful service—from twenty-five to an astounding sixty—were recognized. Congregational milestones were also celebrated, with Daniels, Lincolnton reaching 250 years of existence and service as a congregation.

Bishop Tim began his time with those gathered by thanking everyone for support during his “really annoying” cancer treatments and announcing that he is “right where I am supposed to be” in terms of treatment. “Everything looks normal, and that’s not a word usually applied to me,” he joked.

The bishop touched on topics ranging from artificial intelligence and sermon writing to synod staff changes, to returning to missions with trips planned to each of our companion synods, Costa Rica and Papua New Guinea, in the coming months, and rebuilding after a pandemic.

Two years ago, the bishop presented a challenge to the congregations of the North Carolina Synod: for 70% of 197 congregations become actively engaged in the resettlement of refugees from nations around the world including Ukraine. Since the challenge was issued, 62% of congregations have joined the work of welcoming the stranger. The ministry formerly known as Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) has become Global Refuge. With seven-fold growth in 18 months, the agency has become one of the largest resettlement agencies in the U.S.

Of 17,000 youth and adults expected to gather in New Orleans, some 350 will be from North Carolina. Post-pandemic participation in the gathering is approximately 40% of pre-pandemic participation. So, the focus in most congregations ought to become fostering and revitalizing programs for youth and children’s ministry. “We’re not talking about ministry to Lutheran children,” the bishop explained. “We are talking about Lutheran ministry to children.” The focus is not just on children. Statistics show young adults from 18-35 have become increasingly disconnected from the church. Abide NC provides inspiration, opportunities, and resources to young adults who are seeking authentic community and opportunities to serve their neighbors.

With 40 candidates in the call process in North Carolina, a challenge moving forward is finding people to serve congregations. “We could not fill as many pulpits in North Carolina without our Synod Authorized Ministers (SAM) and lay preachers,” said Bishop Smith.

It’s not getting any easier. As Southern Seminary transitions from its Columbia, SC campus to be folded into Lenoir-Rhyne University in Hickory—its first move in over a century—it is doing so facing millions of dollars in loss every year and declining numbers of students. This academic year only six residential students were enrolled at the seminary with most preferring online studies.

ELCA churchwide changes are ahead also, as there are new bishops to be elected in 2025, reports forthcoming from the Commission for a Renewed Lutheran Church, and the re-examination of the social statement on human sexuality and the continued development of a statement on civic life and faith.

Bishop Smith is indeed “right where (he is) supposed to be” as the North Carolina Synod continues to serve, thrive, and lead.

25 Years

The Rev. John Mark Beam III
Deacon Robert J. Durocher, Jr.
The Rev. Sara R. Ilderton
The Rev. James E. Laurence
The Rev Jeff W. Lindsay
The Rev. Jack D. Russell
Deacon Sue Mullen Setzer
The Rev. Dr. Beverly R. Wallace

35 Years

The Rev. Elizabeth H. DeVan
The Rev. Judith Lewis Drysdale
The Rev. Louise C. Hilbert
The Rev. John S. Hilbinger
Deacon Holly A. Shipley

50 Years

The Rev. Johnny C. Cozart
Deacon Karl W. Kinard, Jr.
The Rev. John C. Misenheimer
The Rev. Dwight D. Shellaway
The Rev. James C. Shimota
The Rev. Robert H. Shoffner
The Rev. Garry A. Vogelpohl
The Rev. John N. Woodard
The Rev. Charles M. Zimmerman

60 Years

The Rev. William E. Harper, Jr.
The Rev. David R. Keck, Sr.
The Rev. Milbert E. Kurtz
The Rev. Malcom A. Lerch
The Rev. J. Luther Mauney, Jr.
The Rev. John F. Merck
The Rev. Kenneth Tonnesen
The Rev. John P. Weinbach

65 Years

The Rev. Donald R. Deal
The Rev. Dr. Ted E. Edwards
The Rev. James A. Harbinson, Sr.
The Rev. Douglas W. Johnson
The Rev. C. Henry Rendleman


25 Years

Good Shepherd, Elizabeth City

50 Years

Shepherd of the Hills, Sylva

75 Years

St. Andrew, New Bern
Advent, Spindale

100 Years

St. Andrew, Andrews

125 Years

St. Luke, Hickory
Haven, Salisbury

200 Years

Mount Moriah, China Grove

250 Years

Daniels, Lincolnton


The Rev. Dr. Mark Ellingsen
The Rev. Rosa Erickson
Deacon Mike Holt
The Rev. Dr. David Ratke
The Rev. German Santana
The Rev. Dr. Sharon Schulze
The Rev. Craig Sigmon
The Rev. Mike Stone
The Rev. Scott Swix



Julie Arndt (St. Mark's, Lumberton) for the NC Synod


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