The bishop’s election process is overseen by the NC Synod Council along with the ELCA Office of the Secretary and ELCA Presiding Bishop. Asa a key step in our discernment, Synod council is requesting the input of the synod—that’s YOU and others in your congregation!—for the creation of a synodwide Ministry Site Profile (MSP), similar […]
Read MoreAt the December Synod Council meeting, NC Synod Vice President Diana Haywood announced the appointment of two committees for the purpose of accomplishing the important task of electing a bishop at the upcoming synod assembly. VP Haywood outlined the particulars of this important task earlier this fall. The Bishop’s Transition Committee, chaired by Deacon Tammy […]
Read MoreDear Partners in Ministry, Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ! The North Carolina Synod, ELCA, is truly blessed to have the strong, effective, and devoted leadership of Bishop Tim Smith. For nearly 10 years, we have had the opportunity to work and walk in ministry together. Bishop Smith has announced that he will retire […]
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