2019-08 Eaton Living Lutheran

Rick Godby

We are church

We are church That’s the theme under which 16 voting members (elected at our 2018 assembly) and about a thousand other folks from the other 64 synods of the ELCA gather for the Churchwide Assembly. What’s that about, you say? Well, it happens only once every three years, and it is the highest decision-making body

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Day 25—Conclusion

Reading 25—Conclusion I hope that, if not before, you have an appreciation now for the immense depth and breadth of this wonderfully earthy and human hymnbook of the ancient Israelites and for Christians as well. In most congregations that follow the lectionary, the Psalms hold such a revered place that it’s the only book of

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Day 22—Psalm 137

Reading 22—A Cursing Psalm Psalm 137  READ PSALM 137 The psalms are not God’s word to us. They are record of the psalmist’s words to God. Sometimes the words of the psalmist give voice to the darkest emotions of the human heart. In her book, Getting Involved with God—Rediscovering the Old Testament, Ellen F. Davis

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Day 21—Psalm 136

Reading 21—God’s Love Endures Forever Psalm 136 READ PSALM 136 Each October for the past several years, on Homecoming Sunday at Mt. Zion in Richfield, we have begun worship with a litany of praise based on this psalm, written by someone in the congregation. Beginning with “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;

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Day 19—Psalm 111

Reading 19—God’s Gift of Compassion Psalm 111 READ PSALM 111 This psalm initially brings to mind the awesomeness of God and that God is worthy of praise. I picture people singing hymns during a worship service. I think of breathtaking mountains I have seen and what it feels like to take the time to really

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