Synod Authorized Minister Program

Catherine Fink

Collaboration Commitment

Throughout the 2021 synod assembly, the North Carolina Synod reaffirmed our commitment to embracing our partners in ministry. God gives us strength through and in our ministry with each other and our ecumenical siblings in Christ from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the Moravian Church, and the Episcopal Church. Collaboration with others is a

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VP Diana Haywood Reflects

Vice President Diana Haywood is known for many things across the North Carolina Synod—mostly for her faithful, careful, and bold leadership of Synod Council since her election in 2009. However, those who have attended synod assemblies over the years will remember well another claim to fame: her powerful assembly reflections which usually come right near

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An Icon for Assembly

“What bring you strength for the journey?” Assembly-goers were asked to submit their answers to that question ahead of this year’s NC Synod Assembly. After gathering the responses and considering the assembly text of Mark 2 (the story of the paralytic let down through the roof), artist Sister Michelle Walka says, “I offered these responses

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