Another Trip through Trials and Deliverance

I also realized that all the good was there, too...

September 16, 2024 |

Peggy Poe of Amazing Grace, Granite Falls, offered a quilt as a creative response to this summer’s Bible Reading Plan: Genesis Generations II. She writes:

When we picked up our readings in Genesis, my first reaction was, “Oh, no, more of the same!”—men searching for wives, brothers stealing the birthright, slavery. But I also realized that all the good was there, too: promises made and kept, sins forgiven, salvation, and, most of all, the love from God that surrounds us. In spite of all we do to separate ourselves from God, He still loves us. Once more we experienced God’s Amazing Grace.

Thank you, Peggy, for your faithful and beautiful creative responses!

If you missed this summer’s Bible reading plan, you can catch the podcasts or blog posts on the Engage the Bible page. Perhaps you’ll be inspired to create a response of your own!

An explanation of the wall hanging:

the clasped hands = promises
outstretched hands = forgiveness
tree = family
cross = salvation
heart = love between God and us

God’s love surrounds us in spite of what we do!


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Reading Genesis Sparks Creativity

August 7, 2023 | News, Summer Bible Reading

This year's Bible Reading Plan sparked beautiful, creative responses!

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