Hurricanes Irma & Harvey

September 12, 2017 |

Hurricanes Irma & Harvey

AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee

Hurricane Irma made landfall Sept. 6 as a category 5 storm with 185 mph winds: one of the worst in recorded history. Touching down again in Florida and then moving inland, the impact to Florida is widespread and Irma will likely also affect other states before running her course. The devastation so far includes 1.5 million people across Puerto Rico without power, significant damages to St. Thomas and St. John’s of the Virgin Islands, flooding and damage all across Florida including 7 million Floridians without power. And, of course, those in Texas and Louisiana continue the slow process of digging out after flooding there.


Stay tuned to Facebook pages for updates about the damage and recovery efforts: the Gulf Coast Synod, the Caribbean Synod, the Florida-Bahamas Synod, and of course, Lutheran Disaster Response (LDR). Our synod’s Justice & Advocacy page is also a great resource for updates.

Give, give, give! Recovery efforts for both storms will be ongoing. The best way to help at this early stage is with monetary gifts. Lutheran Disaster Response (LDR) is already responding in both areas. Gifts made to LDR will go–100%–to those affected. Make a gift! (Online, mail or phone.) Use the Harvey and/or the Irma bulletin insert to invite your congregation to give.

Pray Loving God, be with those who endure hurricanes and floods. Help loved ones find one another in the chaos. Provide assistance to those who need aid. Let your love be known through those who work to bring order. Help us to be bearers of hope in Jesus Christ. Amen. 

Prepare and respond. Prepare your congregation now for future disaster.


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