Deacon Andrew More

Children, Youth, and Family Lead Deacon



As a lifelong Lutheran, sharing life through a community of faith is something I've always known and cherished as a source of strength, guidance, inspiration, and encouragement. For me, church is not a physical place, but rather the activity of people sharing the good news of God's love out in the world through our words and our actions. I have served in ELCA congregations since 2002 following my graduation from Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary. Whether working with children, youth, or adults, my ministry has always centered on equipping people and congregations to live fully into our baptismal calling as disciples of Jesus.

I enjoy traveling, learning about different cultures, spending time in nature, and listening to/playing music. I believe that diversity is one of God's most beautiful gifts and that all of God's children are to be affirmed, celebrated, and loved.