14_“Who Does This ‘Son of Man’ Think He Is?”

Reading #14 | July 16, 2022

When reading John chapter 12, I had to keep in mind John was writing from the perspective of Jesus; as the pre-existent divine Word, and the self-revelation of God. This is important to know because we are getting a front-row seat in Jesus’ final days on Earth as a human being and getting all of the juicy cliffhangers of what is to come with his death and resurrection.

Throughout the entire chapter, Jesus is alluding to what the world will be like after his death and the importance of walking in the light. One could even perceive each event as a warning for us to cling to the cross, and really listen to what God has been trying to tell us since the Old Testament. The chapter begins with Jesus in Bethany. While at dinner; Mary poured pure nard on Jesus’ feet. Judas Iscariot, wisely denoted as a thief, was so concerned over the wasted perfume, he exclaimed, “Why wasn’t this perfume sold and the money given to the poor?” Jesus then replied, “you will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me” (vv7-8). Jesus is telling us we will always be destitute and lacking the basic necessities in life. He is also telling us to prepare, for we will not always have Him. Though this may sound bleak, we are given a glimpse of Good News at the end of the chapter.

This insight is given while the crowd is grappling with Jesus’ prediction of His own death: “The Son of Man must be lifted up? Who is this ‘Son of Man?’” (v34). Jesus gives them an answer as to who exactly He is. Jesus is the light, and He advises us to walk in the light while He is still here before darkness overtakes us (vv35-36). This is a powerful message. Jesus was sent to save mankind, and here He is knowing he will die, is still trying to save us, and reminding us that He is the way, the truth, and the life (light).

The chapter ends with Jesus reminding us of His purpose on Earth, “I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness” (v46). If we continue to trust and believe in the Lord, there will be no darkness. Our paths will be illuminated with righteousness, and we too will be raised up at the end of our days.

Tiffany Shine is an HR Business Partner for Target corporation. She enjoys advocating for others through community outreach programs and fighting injustices in the workplace. Tiffany strives to cultivate an equitable experience for all. Outside of work, she is newly engaged and procrastinating wedding planning by enjoying family time, the outdoors, and Netflix.

To Consider

1. Are there any areas of your life (work, finances, relationships, goals, use of time, etc.) where you need God to shine His light into?
2. What do I need to ask of God in order to grow in the light?


Heavenly Father, thank you for sending Jesus into my world to be the light that extinguishes the darkness. Thank You, for through Your goodness and grace, You proposed and planned to redeem mankind through faith in His finished work. May I live and work to Your praise and glory, from this day forward and even forevermore. This I ask in Jesus' name, Amen.

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