11_The Voice

Reading #11 | July 13, 2022

The 9th chapter of John features the wonderful story of Jesus healing a blind man. As the story unfolds, however, Jesus does more than just give the man sight.

Contrary to popular opinion, sheep are not ignorant creatures. Sheep also have wonderful memories. They can remember approximately 50 individuals for years at a time. They also know and understand their shepherd’s voice. A shepherd communicates with his flock with a certain sound. If another shepherd tries to make that sound, the sheep will not respond because it is not the voice of their shepherd. Keep this in mind as you read this chapter.

Getting his sight should have been a day of celebration for the man. He should have had a celebration thrown by his family and his faith community. However, when the formerly blind man begins to give Jesus all the credit, the church leaders and his own family throw the man OUT of their community. On the day the man gains his sight, he loses 1) his family, 2) his church, and 3) his home. He becomes a lost sheep.

It is after the man becomes lost that Jesus comes BACK into the story. Jesus goes into full “Good Shepherd” mode and FINDS the man. Jesus then asks the man one question, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?” When the man says, “Who is he? Tell me! So I may believe,” Jesus replies, “You are looking at him. And you are speaking to him.” This man, this lost sheep, hears the voice of his shepherd. The Real Shepherd. The Good Shepherd.

In that moment, the man who lost his family, his church, and his place in society, now has a NEW family, a NEW faith community, and a NEW flock.

Jesus’ voice is louder and greater than all the voices that tell us we are not worthy. When we find ourselves lost or left out (or even thrown out), we can rest in the promise, the oath, that our Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ, WILL find us, and call us back home.

Pastor Jonathan Conrad is the Senior Pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Wilmington, NC. He is the fortunate husband to Kristen and the lucky father to Paul and Maddie. PJ’s motto is “All really means all” and continues to work to make St. Paul’s a place where all are welcomed, known, and loved.

To Consider

Think of a time when you felt lost.
1. When did the voice of Jesus find you?
2. How did knowing Jesus found you in your time of need make you feel?


Almighty and Good Shepherd, thank you for calling out to us in our times of loss and loneliness. Open our ears, hearts, and souls so we can hear you always. Amen.

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