18_Questions, Uncertainties, and the Unfailing Promises of God

Reading #18 | July 20, 2022

Some of the disciples kept asking, “What does he mean by ‘a little while’? We don’t understand what he is saying.” —John 16:18 NRSV

I don’t know about you, but I completely relate to the disciples on this one. This chapter of John, which wraps up Jesus’ final teaching on the night of his betrayal, is overwhelming. Even Jesus acknowledges that he has been speaking figuratively. As we stumble through these words, we, too, may find ourselves saying, “What does he mean? We don’t understand!”

Yet, this is part of the gift of this section of John. Jesus makes room for questions, uncertainty, and lack of understanding. Though he speaks of a day when such questions will no longer be necessary, he suggests his followers don’t need to have all the answers. Instead, Jesus will do what he has always done. He will give them what they need.

The great promise he makes is that, after his death, resurrection, and ascension, he will continue to be with them by sending the advocate or helper, what we call the Holy Spirit. This Advocate will make it clear that Jesus is victorious over sin and death and that God, who is righteous, is the judge. Should we wonder what that judgment looks like, all we need to remember is that the one who judges the world is the one who, out of unfathomable love, went to the cross and rose from the dead, utterly defeating the powers of sin and death. In addition, this Advocate will speak through us, shepherd us, and help us proclaim that Jesus is victorious!

This is good news for us. It is easy to look at all that is unfolding in the world and think sin, death, and brokenness are victorious. Yet, even in the midst of this, we cling to another promise Jesus makes in this chapter. God loves us. God loves us and will always be with us. Even when we don’t get it. Even when we don’t understand. And God calls us, with the help of the Advocate, to share this news with all the world.

The Reverend Todd Cutter is the University Pastor and Director of Spiritual Life at Lenoir-Rhyne University in Hickory, NC. He enjoys traveling, cooking, running, and spending time with his wife, the Reverend Sara Cutter; daughter, Amelia; and dog, Belle.

To Consider

1. What are some of the questions you have about who God is and how God acts in this world? To whom do you turn when you have such questions?
2. In what ways does the Holy Spirit work through you to proclaim the good news of God’s love? Who is one person you can share this good news with this week?


O God, when we struggle with questions we cannot understand, remind us that we are rooted in your love. Empower us through your Holy Spirit to proclaim this love to all the world. Amen.

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