Hatred Does Not Thwart God’s Plan

Reading #7 | July 13, 2024

Our text this day includes the story of Joseph’s “coat of many colors,” as a children’s Bible story may call it. Although, as often happens when one reads a biblical text out of context, the overall lesson might be overlooked.

As I write this study, we are still in the Eastertide—hearing of the Good News of the Risen Christ. However, when I read this text, I learned about favoritism of one son over the others by the father, and of hatred and jealousy amongst the brothers. All of this led to thoughts of killing someone who may not totally understand the issues his words and actions could cause. It is difficult for us to say if Joseph knew where his tattling or the bragging about his dreams would lead. It is doubtful he would have understood a hatred so harsh that it might have led to his death.

To make matters worse, the brothers lied to their father. Jacob was told his favorite son was dead. As a result, verse 35 tells of his children not being able to comfort him, with Jacob saying, “No, I shall go down to Sheol to my son, mourning.

Reuben did stop the death by putting Joseph in a pit, with the intent to rescue him. Except Judah’s greed stepped in, selling Joseph to traders, who in turn, sold him to Potiphar, in Egypt, making Joseph a slave. To Joseph, would death have been better than slavery?

Hatred and jealousy led to hurt and pain for this family. Yet, God used it for good as told over the next chapters of Genesis. The hatred by the brothers to Joseph did not thwart God’s plan.

Lessons that I learned: God has no favorites; God loves us all equally. God has a plan: we cannot stop it, no matter what our plans are. And for us today, we can pray in all situations, for God will answer, no matter the circumstances.


To Consider

How might my words, thoughts, or deeds to others lead to hatred? To “slavery” in one form or another for others?
When people’s words or deeds lead me to hatred, to whom do I turn to be guided away from that hatred?


Gracious God, thank you for the lessons we can gain from Your Holy Word. Help us to choose words, thoughts, and deeds that will show others Your great love. And guide us on the ways to handle the hatred and jealousy that are around us in this world. Amen.

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