15_Everyone Is Included

Reading #15 | July 17, 2022

Before Jesus died on the cross, he washed the disciples’ feet so they would remember how much he loved them. Everyone’s feet would get very dirty from walking barefoot from place to place. When Jesus knelt to wash their yucky feet, he chose to do a job that no one wanted.

Jesus loved each of the disciples very much—even Judas. Jesus knew that Judas was going to betray him, and he still washed his feet. I am comforted knowing that Jesus chose to include Judas, because I don’t like to see anyone left out.

After washing everyone’s feet, Jesus gave a new commandment, “Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.” By serving the disciples, Jesus showed us what it means to love one another and how he wants us to live God’s love.

Today, God works through our hearts and moves us to serve others. We may not wash feet with water, but we do things like give hugs, protect God’s creation, sing Christmas carols together, and prepare meals to care for our neighbors living in homelessness. Sharing God’s love through these simple acts of kindness makes me joyful.

Serving others is about including everyone in our world. We are each unique and no one is perfect, but no one should be left out. When we love one another, we help give each other what is needed for today and beyond.

Lauren Roberts is a sophomore at Manus Academy in Charlotte, NC. Her congregation is Morning Star in Matthews, and she enjoys hanging out with her puppy, baking with her Dad, and watching movies with the family.

To Consider

1. Imagine how Jesus and Judas both felt when Jesus was washing Judas’ feet.
2. How can you share God’s love by including others today?


Dear God, we pray that Jesus’ extravagant love for us will always flow through our bodies and lead us to include others in your love, even when it may be hard. Amen.

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