16_Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled

Reading #16 | July 18, 2022

The text today begins with words of comfort, “do not let your hearts be troubled.” I find my heart troubled often recently. Between the pandemic that just won’t seem to let up, political tensions rising across the globe, and news headlines that seem to be more and more depressing each day, it seems that trouble is never far. However, there is always hope. Right at the start of the chapter, Jesus reminds the disciples that he has prepared a place for each of them in heaven to dwell with God for all eternity. Even in the darkness of our world, we live in the hope that one day we will be reunited with Jesus in his heavenly kingdom.

Then the disciples ask for proof. I can relate to their insistence for tangible evidence; as the saying goes, “seeing is believing.” How much more difficult is it for us to believe today? We don’t have the physical person of Jesus in our midst. And yet, we are filled with hope at the same promises that Jesus gives his friends: that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. We are able to know God through Jesus Christ.

The second section of this chapter is filled with comfort. Although Jesus was only on earth with his disciples for a short time, they would not be abandoned; he promised them that the Holy Spirit would remain with them forever. And that same Spirit abides within us. We are never truly alone because God promises to be with us always and bring us peace. Even in times of sorrow, anger, and fear, the Triune God remains with us.

Brittany Perry (she/her) is a member of Morning Star, Matthews. She is a diaconal ministry student at Wartburg Seminary and a candidate for Minister of Word and Service. She enjoys reading, baking, and finding the best local ice cream.

To Consider

1. What comes to mind when you think about the kingdom of heaven?
2. When have you felt the comfort of the Holy Spirit surrounding you?


God of peace, thank you for sending your Spirit to dwell within us. Help us strengthen our faith and confidently trust in your great promises. Amen.

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